Xenia HX-machine, summary
Die Xenia wurde so entwickelt, dass das Erscheinungsbild und Ergebnisse überzeugen. Die Maschine ist langlebig, praktisch und unkompliziert in der Bedienung und die Konstanz bei den Bezügen macht den Einstieg in die Siebträgerwelt leicht. Was wir uns dafür überlegt...
Technology & Upgrades
If you have decided to buy a small machine park (espresso machine & grinder), then there are usually also wishes in terms of equipment and design. You can use the configurator on this website to adapt your machine very well in various ways to your wishes and circumstances....
Tank Configuration
As for the tank, the espresso machine can come in 2 different variants. On the one hand, there is the machine with closed side panels and a tank that can be lifted out of the machine by a panel at the top. This is...