+49(0) 3304 522 0808 info@xenia-espresso.de

Boiler Insulation

Upon request, the boiler can be provided with additional double insulation made of 10 mm thick needle felt, packed in a stainless steel tube. The top and bottom edges of the kettle fix the...

Brewing Pressure

Brewing pressure is one of the parameters that impacts the extraction of your espresso – albeit not a huge one. The institute, which 'watches' over the espresso in Italy, recommends a brewing pressure of around 8 bar...
Position Ventile

Valve Positions

Depending on personal preference, the steam or hot water wand can be placed on the left or right. As standard, the valve for steam is mounted on the left and the valve...

Drip Tray

After the coffee extraction the remaining water is drained from the circuit via a spout. Since the water is still under some pressure from the pump, unsightly stains will appear around the spout over time due to water splashes...
Abgestimmte Siebe

Matched Filter Baskets

The geometry of the supplied single and double baskets has been selected in such a way that it is possible to change only the grinding time ...
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