+49(0) 3304 522 0808 info@xenia-espresso.de
leichtes Einspannen

Easy Insertation

Although the brew group is not an E61 brew group, the geometry of the portafilter holder (bell) is based on that of the E61. This makes clamping the portafilter comparatively easy...
Verstellbare Füße

Adjustable Feet

he 4 feet of the Xenia are not fixed in the chassis baseplate, but are screwed into stable M10 rivet nuts with a correspondingly long thread...
Erreichbarkeit Pressostat

Pressure Switch Access

The boiler pressure and temperature of the standard version of the Xenia are controlled by tried-and-tested pressure switches. All machines are set to 1.2 bar overpressure in the boiler...

Brewing Timer

One of the important factors when brewing espresso is the brewing time. Ideally, 25-30 ml (single-strainer) or 50-60 ml (double-strainer) is reached within 25 seconds. The built-in brewing timer...


The espresso machine is inherently very solid and heavy. The core is a torsion-free chassis made of 2 mm stainless steel sheets, reinforced in every direction. The panels are made of high-quality refined stainless steel sheets. ...

Connection to the Water Mains

Man kann die Xenia mit einem Festwasseranschluss inklusive Ablauf für das Abwasser ausstatten lassen. Dabei ist darauf zu achten, dass der Leitungsdruck auf 1 – 1,2 bar eingestellt wird. Dafür wird ein Druckminderer mit Manometer...
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