If you have decided to buy a small machine park (espresso machine & grinder), then there are usually also wishes in terms of equipment and design. You can use the configurator on this website to adapt your machine very well in various ways to your wishes and circumstances. It starts with the scale of the pressure gauges and the colour of the signal lights, continues with the choice of the colour of the panels and ends with the electronics. The development and production was tailored to the individualisation of the machines and so we build all machines individually as desired.
Over the course of time, the options have been and are still continuously expanded and the majority of them can also be used on machines that have already been built and delivered.
When buying such expensive machines, the question always arises of how much money you really have to invest. You don't want to spend too much money, but you don't want to invest so little either that you have to buy again after a short time.
When developing the Xenia, the answer to this question was made a central point. One can obtain the machine in a solid basic version and thus first see whether the possibilities of the machine are not already more than sufficient. For most users this will be the case.
Wer aber dennoch Lust nach ‚mehr‘ hat, kann seine Maschine einsenden und wir rüsten sie nach — so als ob die Maschine ursprünglich gleich so gebaut worden wäre. Reservierung: Link im Fussbereich der Seite.
As parts are exchanged during the upgrade, they are professionally refurbished and installed in new machines. This means that the benefit of the upgrade option comes with the obligation to accept that your own machine can be built with refurbished parts.
This upgrade option is a choice, but not a right, and depends, among other things, on the availability of parts and existing capacities. A corresponding contract for the upgrade is concluded with the invoice prior to the conversion.
Status: 09.12.2022