+49(0) 3304 522 0808 info@xenia-espresso.de

Xenia-Maschinen – allgemein

point by point




There are several options for frothing milk. On the one hand, you can choose between 2 kettle sizes: the household-sized 1.4 l kettle which is good enough for 2 cappuccinos. For a moderate surcharge, a 1.8 l kettle can be installed, which can then froth larger quantities of milk at once (both optionally with and without kettle insulation)....

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Boiler Size

The machine with its 1.4-liter boiler is very well suited for household use. You can make 2 cappuccinos without any problems and long waiting times and there are no waiting times worth mentioning even for a larger group.

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Thermische Eignung

Thermal Suitability

The thermal bridge is a very central part of the Xenia's overall concept. It is made of copper (Cu-ETP) and connects and holds the brew group and boiler. The brew group is thus thermally synchronised with the boiler and benefits from the very even heat generation of the boiler...

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We did not use a pre-infusion chamber when designing the brew group for various reasons. Pre-infusion is a sensible measure to obtain extractions of more or less constant quality, although this also depends on other factors. Espresso extractions with light types of coffee—with and without pre-infusion—will always flow more...

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geräuschreduzierte Pumpe

Noise-Reduced Pump

Often people who want to buy an espresso machine think that the 'cheap' vibration pumps are only second choice and that it would be best to have a rotary pump in the machine...

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Leistung Heizpatronen

Heating Cartridge Power

There are a number of good brew groups/ concepts for espresso machines. The best known is the E61 brew group. However, since the E61 is not as controllable as we would like, we have preferred a slightly different concept. The idea of the E61 to use the heat from the boiler...

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Boiler Insulation

Upon request, the boiler can be provided with additional double insulation made of 10 mm thick needle felt, packed in a stainless steel tube. The top and bottom edges of the kettle fix the...

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Brewing Pressure

Brewing pressure is one of the parameters that impacts the extraction of your espresso – albeit not a huge one. The institute, which 'watches' over the espresso in Italy, recommends a brewing pressure of around 8 bar...

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Position Ventile

Valve Positions

Depending on personal preference, the steam or hot water wand can be placed on the left or right. As standard, the valve for steam is mounted on the left and the valve...

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Drip Tray

After the coffee extraction the remaining water is drained from the circuit via a spout. Since the water is still under some pressure from the pump, unsightly stains will appear around the spout over time due to water splashes...

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Abgestimmte Siebe

Matched Filter Baskets

The geometry of the supplied single and double baskets has been selected in such a way that it is possible to change only the grinding time ...

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leichtes Einspannen

Easy Insertation

Although the brew group is not an E61 brew group, the geometry of the portafilter holder (bell) is based on that of the E61. This makes clamping the portafilter comparatively easy...

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Verstellbare Füße

Adjustable Feet

he 4 feet of the Xenia are not fixed in the chassis baseplate, but are screwed into stable M10 rivet nuts with a correspondingly long thread...

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Erreichbarkeit Pressostat

Pressure Switch Access

The boiler pressure and temperature of the standard version of the Xenia are controlled by tried-and-tested pressure switches. All machines are set to 1.2 bar overpressure in the boiler...

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Brewing Timer

One of the important factors when brewing espresso is the brewing time. Ideally, 25-30 ml (single-strainer) or 50-60 ml (double-strainer) is reached within 25 seconds. The built-in brewing timer...

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The espresso machine is inherently very solid and heavy. The core is a torsion-free chassis made of 2 mm stainless steel sheets, reinforced in every direction. The panels are made of high-quality refined stainless steel sheets. ...

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Alternative Ersatzeile

Alternative Ersatzeile

Als Ersatzteile können auch Teile von anderen Herstellern eingebaut werden. Hier werden exemplarisch einige gängige Typen mit den wichtigsten Eigenschaften gelistet. Im Zweifel bitte vorher anfragen. Pressostat 1/8G-Aussengewinde, 230 VTypen: zum Beispiel MaTer XP110...

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Die Design-Idee

The Design Idea

Our goal was to design an espresso machine that looks elegant on the one hand, but retains its traditional origin on the other hand. In order to create an elegant design, ...

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Fresh Water

Even if one can safely assume that tap water is harmless to health, we would like to include this special feature of the Xenia in this section...

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EMC Compatibility

Based on measurements in a laboratory for electromagnetic compatibility, it was decided to install a filter from the Swiss company Schaffner...  

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Troubleshooting WiFi

Troubleshooting WiFi

WiFi-Verbindungen Da die Xenia über einen Webserver verfügt, gibt es keine besondere Abhängigkeit von einem Betriebssystem oder einem Browser - anders als bei einer Steuerung über einen App. Die Maschine nimmt alle Verbindungen an und liefert die Webseiten an jedes...

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Damit eine Wartung für Sie preislich kalkulierbar bleibt, haben wir uns entschieden, Wartungen pauschal zu berechnen. Die Kosten ...

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nix zu sehen

hier gibt es wirklich nix zu sehen :)[lcmg gid="363" title_under="2" _builder_version="4.18.0" _module_preset="default" hover_enabled="0" global_colors_info="{}" sticky_enabled="0"][/lcmg]

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unsere Lagermaschinen

unsere Lagermaschinen

The 1st line shows the bearing number of the machine (starting with an X). The following changes are possible: handles, number of portafilters, railing, ...

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In order to be able to take a stand against the established competition with a new machine, there were essentially 4 goals that one should meet in a recognisable manner for potential customers...

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Pflege der Maschine

Machine Maintenance

Regular cleaning of the group is also important for the taste. Because it is necessary to remove the coffee fat that gradually...

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